Fares Abawi

Research Associate, University of Hamburg



Hello! I’m Fares Abawi (فارس عبوي). I completed my Bachelor’s studies in electronic and communication engineering, during which I developed a liking for machine learning and artificial intelligence. I went on to complete my Master’s studies in intelligent adaptive systems, worked as a sensor fusion and algorithm engineer, and then returned to academia to complete my doctoral studies in robotics and AI. My doctoral research was centered on modeling human attention in social settings using deep learning approaches. It was particularly focused on projects like “GASP: Gated Attention for Saliency Prediction” which addressed the integration of social cues for modeling saliency and exploring how humanoid robots can control their gaze by mimicking human-like attention.

As an advocate for collaborative technology, I actively maintain and contribute to open-source software projects (check out ImageBind-LoRA and Llama LLM distributed with Wrapyfi). I have also developed a framework called Wrapyfi for integrating robots and devices across multiple middleware, including ROS, ROS 2, YARP, ZeroMQ, and MQTT. To access all resources relating to Wrapyfi, visit https://modular.ml or the modular ML organization on GitHub.


Dec 16, 2024 On the 16th of December, 2024 @ 12:00 PM, I successfully defended my doctoral dissertation, fulfilling the requirements of the Dr. rer. nat degree [dissertation]. Review committee: Prof. Stefan Wermter (advisor, reviewer), Prof. Frank Steinicke (deputy chair, reviewer), and Prof. Timo Gerkmann (chair)
Aug 26, 2024 We won the Best Paper Award at RO-MAN 2024 InterAI sponsored by Duckietown. “HRI-Free Evaluation of Embodied Social Attention Models Through Cognitive Robotic Simulation” [paper] (password: InterAI_HRI24)
Jan 11, 2024 Our human participant study based on the Wrapyfi [code][paper] framework was accepted at the HRI ‘24 (Boulder, CO, USA) conference Late-Breaking Results (LBR)
Dec 16, 2023 Wrapyfi [code][paper] is now available on PyPi https://pypi.org/project/wrapyfi and the documentation on readthedocs https://wrapyfi.readthedocs.io
Dec 1, 2023 The Wrapyfi [code][paper] code contribution was accepted at the HRI ‘24 (Boulder, CO, USA) conference and will appear as an SC alongside the full-paper proceedings in March 2024

selected publications

  1. usp_preview.png
    Unified Dynamic Scanpath Predictors Outperform Individually Trained Neural Models
    Fares AbawiDi Fu, and Stefan Wermter
    CoRR, 2025
  2. wrapyfi_demo.gif
    Wrapyfi: A Python Wrapper for Integrating Robots, Sensors, and Applications across Multiple Middleware
    Fares Abawi, Philipp Allgeuer, Di Fu, and 1 more author
    In Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI ’24), 2024
  3. gasp_demo.gif
    GASP: Gated Attention for Saliency Prediction
    Fares Abawi, Tom Weber, and Stefan Wermter
    In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-21), 2021